Dachshund Training and Behaviour Specialist Worldwide
Being Proactive with training and behaviour rather than reactive
Separation Related Issues occurs when a dog is separated from their owner and become distressed. We all know dachshunds have FOMO, but at what point does it become an anxiety? And is it even anxiety?
Research suggests that 8 out of 10 dogs will find it hard to cope when left on their own, but half of these won't show any obvious signs, so it can be very easy for owners to miss.
The only way to help the dogs to cope with being left is by using a systematic approach built up over time.
As a SA Pro Trainer with Julie Naismith and having helped 100's overcome separation anxiety I strongly recommend a systematic desensitsaton process. Its not for the faint of heart, it can be frustrating and yes, it can take over your life for a while, but with support you can and will overcome the issues. Sometimes it may be recommended seeking chemical support from your vet whilst you address the issues, it all depends on your situation and the extent of the anxiety.
​The more common signs of separation anxiety are:
Destructive behaviour - often targeted at the door you left the house from, as well as chewing and destroying furniture
Noise - such as howling and barking
Toileting - weeing or pooing in the house
Other less frequent signs (that can be more easily missed) include:
Trembling, whining or pacing
Excessive salivation
Self-mutilation or OCD behaviours
Repetitive behaviour
Aggression to prevent you leaving
Well? What can I do about it?
The first step is to reach out for help.
I strongly recommend the book "Be Right Back" By Julie alongside booking onto a course or 121 package to ensure you are supported through the process.
I have worked with hundreds of owners to help them overcome the separation issues they have.
I have lived with rescues who arrived with separation issues, some with severe phobias. I really understand how hard it can be!
It takes commitment, consistency and determination. But with support from me owners have seen great success. Dachshunds do not do well if left to "cry" it out. Getting another one to stop the issues often results with double the anxiety! It is vital the core issue is addressed and confidence is built.
Book a session to start working on this sooner rather than later, it won't get better on it's own.