Its not all roses and sunshine, but a little rain helps you grow!
Dachshund Training and Behaviour Specialist Worldwide
Being Proactive with training and behaviour rather than reactive
My dog doesn’t eat treats or play with toys…..what do I do?
"Knock, Knock!!" "Who's there?" "Bang, Bang!"
Gah, my wonderful puppy is a pre-teen! Introducing Godzella!!
Its all about the Body Language baby!
Bringing your newborn baby home.
The Ripple effect and a dog owners plea.
Do dogs get Dementia?
Bringing home your puppy...funny with a 'dash' of truth!
Puppy, puppy....PUPPPPPPYYYYY POWERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
Saying goodbye to an older friend
Its mother's day....what does that mean?
Farewell my darling boy Spesh. 02/03/2021-09/03/2023
Top 10 preventing reactivity tips
Reflecting on 2022......Good year? Bad year? Better year?
Lets face it, dachshunds dominated us years ago!
Living with an IVDD dachshund or two!
Health and Behaviour